You are currently viewing CAN NOW BE UP TO NGN105,000.00 AND ABOVE, NO MORE NGN60,000.00.


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Traffic Camera Fines On Invalid (Expired) Vehicle Documents, Beating Of Traffic Light And Fine On Number Plate Issues Can Now Be Up To NGN105,000.00 And Above, No More NGN 60,000.00

Check out 5 Things that together could trigger license plate detect In Traffic Cameras to blacklist, bill and fine your vehicle above the usual maximum of NGN60,000.00.


The observations and interactions with road users who fall culprit to the blacklisting, fining and billing of their vehicle reveal that before now, the maximum billing on the vehicle normally revealed during renewal of same vehicle’s Roadworthiness Certificate was NGN60,000.00, being NGN20,000.00 penalty each for driving with expired Vehicle License, Road Worthiness Certificate and Motor Insurance Certificate.

Then, these three documents mentioned above including your drivers licence were the only items among your driving documents required to be renewed periodically as the case may be.

Proof Of Ownership Certificate Now Renewable

Presently, the Federal Government recently included Proof of Ownership Certificate to be among the documents to be renewed yearly at renewal fee of NGN1,000.00 (excluding administrative charge of the Government Agency concerned and other possible cost/s).

This means that validity for your Proof of Ownership can now last for only one year, hence the traffic cameras must have been programmed to also scan for validity of your Proof of Ownership along with other three documents (Vehicle License, Road Worthiness Certificate and Motor Insurance Certificate) where each defaulting document will attract NGN20,000.00 fine. 

All above four documents when detected as invalid (expired) through Number Plate Detect will attract a total of NGN80,000.00.

Clamp Down On Vehicles Using Faded And Damaged License Number Plates

More so, the FRSC was reported to have been clamping down on vehicles with faded or damaged Number Plates with an attended fine of NGN25,000.00 at each default followed with the vehicle owner made to change the affected Number Plate to a new one.

The latter is not unconnected with the security risk inherent in driving with a vehicle that could NOT be easily identified through a clear Number Plate (that is not faded nor mutilated).

What if the traffic camera could also bill vehicle on the latter, the NGN25,000.00 added to NGN80,000.00 for expired documents already mentioned above will amount to NGN105,000.00?

Traffic Cameras Also Penalizes Beating Of Traffic Light By Impatient Drivers

A  prospective client revealed recently how the traffic camera has billed his vehicle not because of invalid documents, invalid Number Plates, but for beating the traffic light while driving.

The penalty from research is NN20,000.00. It seems every offense detected by the traffic camera amounts to a fine of NGN20,000.00.

We can understand that without Traffic officials or other Law enforcement agents around at some spots, traffic cameras mounted on or close to Traffic Lights can easily detect and fine erring traffic offenders.


The 5 Things when defaulted together besides faded and or mutilated License Number Plate which could trigger license plate detect In Traffic Cameras to blacklist, bill and fine your vehicle above the usual maximum of NGN60,000.00 therefore include driving with:

  • Expired Vehicle License
  • Expired Roadworthiness Certificate
  • Expired Motor Insurance Certificate
  • Expired Proof of Ownership Certificate and
  • BeatingThe Traffic Light While Driving

You wouldn’t want to be taken unaware, hence the need to make sure that you are through this article made to be aware or reminded of all the above and more. 

We hope you can now always put renewal of your Proof of Ownership in consideration and budget whenever booking (ordering for the service of) complete Auto Registration Documents Renewals.

With respect to your documents validity as and when needed, BBIC got you covered  if you could let us assist in managing your Auto Registration and relevant documents Renewals.

Click HERE get in touch with us or enable us get in touch with you.

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